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We are an approved vendor for producing C.A.R.B. / EIN LABELING FOR DIESEL HEAVY EQUIPMENT IN CALIFORNIA.  


Our goal is to make your purchase of our EIN labels as painless as possible.

C.A.R.B approved EIN labels ordering information

Same prices for 7 years

$9.99 each EIN Label.
$6.00 ea. if 7 or more.

Price includes shipping & any applicable sales tax in USA and one "This engine cannot Idle for more than 5 min." sticker for each vehicle. 

You may use the form below for your purchase.

If you have any questions, you can text or call me directly.

    714-638-8724 - 714-823-7962 (cell)

Order Below

Heavy Equipment roller showing Red and white EIN label

Heavy Equipment Roller showing EIN label

EIN labels with "this engine cannot idle for more than 5 min Sticker

Thanks for submitting!

For help:


 or my cell:

 714-823-7962   Email address:

Now, Proceed to our easy
payment section Below

If you do not wish to pay through the portal below, you may
call Glen and 714-823-7962 and process the payment by phone.  
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